Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Final KE2010 Meeting Tomorrow (April 14th)

Please remember to be with us tomorrow, April 14th at 12:00 noon at La Fiesta for our FINAL meeting before the Kindness Explosion 2010 kicks off this Friday evening at Acton Baptist Church at 7:00pm. As always, we will have the back dining area reserved for the meeting.

I'll have everyone's tee-shirt orders ready for you to pick up, so if you have not already given me your tee-shirt money, please be sure to bring it with you to the meeting tomorrow. We will also be going over the final kindness projects everyone will be doing and I'll answer any final questions anyone might have. If you cannot be at the meeting tomorrow, please have someone attend in your place if at all possible.

Finally, I'll ask you all to be in prayer specifically for the following:

For Dr. Al Tizon, our Friday night speaker. I will be picking Dr. Tizon up from the airport on Thursday evening, so please pray for safe travel for him and that God will continue to impress upon his heart the message he wants us to hear on Friday night.

For Lincoln Wiseman, our worship leader for Friday night. Pray for God's annointing upon Lincoln as he puts together the worship service for Friday night. For the Acton Baptist Youth Praise Band as they will be leading us in worship and celebration at our wrap up service on Saturday afternoon.

For Tatianna Benson, our speaker for the Saturday afternoon wrap up service. Tati is coming in tomorrow afternoon from Atlanta, so please pray for her safe travel and God's annointing on her as well.

Pray for all those, who are yet unknown to you but not to God, that you will be touching on Saturday through your respective Kindness projects throughout this community. Pray that seeds of God's love will be planted in the hearts of every person touched by this weekend's Kindness Explosion and that the Holy Spirit will do it's work of drawing people into relationship with Christ.

Finally, pray that this weekend, especially Friday night, will be a time of repentance, renewal, restoration, fellowship and unity among the Body of Christ here in the greater Granbury area!

God is great!

Micky Shearon

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