Thursday, February 28, 2008

Fairview Baptist Announces their KE08 Project

Fairview Baptist Church has announced their service project for the KE08 coming up on April 11-12, 2008. Fairview will once again be making the Volaro Convenience Store/Gas Station at the corner of Old Cleburne Road and Hwy. 377 (across from Walmart) a full service gas station complete with gas jockies and windshield washers from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The group from Fairview did this last year and had a much so they want to do it again this year. This was one of our favorite projects last summer for KE07. Great job Fairview!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Service Projects for KE08

Good evening to all our Love Granbury participating churches! Please remember to be thinking about what you want your service project to be for KE08. We need to have this information by no later than 3/14 so that we can shoot the project preview video during the week of Spring Break. Thanks and have a blessed day tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

We Welcome Two New Churches to Kindness Explosion 08!

We are very pleased to announce that Harvest Church and Generations Church have joined us for the Love Granbury Kindness Explosion 08! Please join us in welcoming these two great congregations to KE08!

KE08 Point Person Meeting

This is just a friendly reminder about the Love Granbury KE08 Point Person meeting tomorrow at 12 noon at the First United Methodist Church (our host church this year). Lunch will be provided by FUMC and this will just be a short informational meeting for your designated point person, whoever that might be.

If you were no able to make the initial meeting two weeks ago, that's not a problem. Come on and join us tomorrow at noon and you can get all the information you need about this year's Kindness Explosion Servant Evangelism Outreach.

Thanks and I look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow at noon.