Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Be Cheerful - wikiHow

How to Be Cheerful

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Cheerfulness and kindness comes from the heart. However, sometimes it's hard to be cheerful and optimistic towards others. Here are some ways to draw out these wonderful qualities.


  1. Be comfortable in your own skin. You are your own special person, with your own individual traits and strong points. Be proud of these abilities and be happy about who you are. Understand that even though you're not perfect, you can still soar to your full potential.
  2. Help someone who is in need. Not everybody is as fortunate as you are, nor do some people have as much love as you do. Try to help them out by donating to charities, running a food drive, or even offering a simple smile. Your dedication will shine- and you'll make someone else happy along the way!
  3. Look on the bright side, but be honest. If you're having a bad day, identify it! You shouldn't just ignore the fact. Then, after you've analyzed the fact that you're experiencing a bad day, think up ways to make it better. For example, say you're stuck in a terrible rainstorm, and need to get home. You should certainly identify what a problem this is. However, you can remind yourself how lucky it is that you're only 5 minutes away from your house- while your friend Mike is 40 minutes away. There's always something positive.
  4. Listen. Reassure others, and listen to their thoughts. You may find some insight, or even a laugh!
  5. Keep an open mind. Let the chips fall where they may. Something may look worse than it actually is.
  6. Don't put people down. Instead, encourage them to rise and accomplish their goals. Display optimism, and cheer them on each and every step of the way. Your optimism will become contagious.
  7. Never judge too harshly. Never judge a person by physical appearance. That quiet girl in the back of the room may look scary, but inside she may like soccer just like you! You never know if you'll be in that position someday and need a friend. Be a friend.


  • Don't be negative, cynical, or deceitful.
  • Always be sure to smile. It'll make everyone around you feel good!
  • Get out of the house. Sometimes being alone is good but loneliness can consume you. Take a bike ride in the sun or ask a friend out for coffee.
  • Say hi to people, not just the same people every day but let others know that your willing to be friends with everyone.
  • Listen to your mind some of the time, and your heart all of the time.


  • Although you should always feel good about yourself, never become conceited. We all have our negative points too- no one is perfect, not even you.
  • Cheerfulness is often mistaken for being fake. Don't talk in little high voices and pretend to be perfect. You'll just end up annoying everybody.
  • Be careful; with the opposite sex, sometimes kindness can be misconstrued as a come on. Make sure your intentions are clear, if unwanted.

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Be Cheerful. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Introducing Word Poets

One of the most beautiful, yet challenging, books of the New Testament is the Epistle of James.  Written by the brother of Jesus after he became a leader of the early church in Jerusalem, James stressed that an authentic faith is a faith that works; it is not merely verbal, but visible through our attitudes and actions.  James is addressed to Jewish believers who were scattered throughout the Roman Empire who were struggling with spiritual apathy, disunity and materialism.  

Through his letter, James encouraged these believers to obey the truth and to apply a living faith in Christ to attitudes and actions.  He contrasts profession of faith with possession of faith, and argues that a genuine faith is expressed in deeds.  James stressed that while faith alone justifies us before God (Romans 4), it is only by the works of faith that we are justified before others.

In James 1:22, James beautifully illustrates this point by saying "be doers of the word, and not hearers only."  In the original Greek, the word for "doers" is "poietes"...a theatrical term meaning performer or poet.  So James is telling us literally that we should be poets of God's word; that we would live our lives in such outward obedience to God's word, that we would be God's poetry to a watching world.  What a beautiful image!

Beginning today, in the spirit of James 1:22, Love Granbury is starting a new email devotional called "Word Poets".  Word Poets will be a short, weekly scripture passage and devotional thought focusing specifically on how the local Body of Christ can be God's poetry in our community.  Look for it each week!  


Monday, May 3, 2010

Stay tuned for our announcement later this week about our May Love Granbury servant project! 

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Kindness Explosion 2010 Wrap Up Summary

"When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade" goes the old saying. The Apostle Paul put it like this in the book of Romans...

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)

Such was the case with this past weekend's Love Granbury Kindness Explosion. Not even an all day torrential downpour on Saturday could deter the Church from sharing God's love with the greater Granbury area! In fact, the rain only served to make most of our kindness projects even more powerful than they normally would have been! How's that for God working things out for the better?? :-)

So here's a run down on the weekend's events:

The Friday night worship service was nothing short of amazing. To kick things off, we had a skit called "John's Creed" that was written and performed by a drama group made up of students from a number of different student ministries. The skit illustrated - in a pretty humorous way I might add - our focal scripture found in 1 John 4:12.

Lincoln Wiseman and Carolin George led us in worship on Friday night, and as usual, were superb! Then, our special guest speaker for the evening, Dr. Al Tizon, brought a great message about the true meaning and importance of unity in the Body of Christ. We hope to have Dr. Tizon's message uploaded to the Love Granbury blog sometime later this week so that you can listen to it or download it if you would like.

Dr. Tizon then led us through a time of repentance and renewal as the altars were filled with God's people pouring out their hearts. It was truly an amazing sight! Suffice to say that the Church went out of the Acton Baptist sanctuary on Friday night challenged, fired up and ready to spread God's love on Saturday during the Kindness Explosion.

We know they must have been fired up because the rain that had started on Friday evening and that continued pretty much all night long and on into the morning hours didn't even slow down most of Saturday's kindness projects. The cookouts at the city park and the couple of car washes that had been planned were scrubbed...for obvious reasons...but everything else went forward as planned! And by the way, those cookouts at the park have been rescheduled for this Thursday evening (Granbury Church of Christ) and next Saturday morning/afternoon (Lakeside Baptist). So instead of Kindness Explosion weekend, we are having Kindness Explosion week!! Actually, we did have one group that held their cookout in spite of the rain, and they had a great day basically delivering their hot dogs and hamburgers right to the neighbor's doors!

By the time the 10:00am start of Kindness Explosion rolled around, it was pouring down rain by the bucket full. As I said, this only served to make the kindness projects even more powerful. The groups doing carry out at Walmart, Brookshires, Big Lots, and David's Supermarkets were very popular people as they were ready and on the spot to help shoppers get to their vehicles under the cover of huge umbrellas. Those same people were simply blown away when the Love Granbury people let them get in their vehicle while they loaded up their groceries!

Others helped out by drying off the shopping carts as they came back in from the parking lots so shoppers would have dry carts to use. Still others grabbed mops and started mopping up the wet floors at the store entrances. It was a phenomenal sight! In the time that I was there, I can't tell you how many times I heard the question, "why are y'all doing this?" What a great opportunity to explain to people exactly why we were doing show them an example of God's free and unconditional love!!

Then we had others pumping gas for people at several self serve gas stations around town. People were pleasantly surprised when they were greeted by one of our Love Granbury folks who offered to not only pump their gas (not much use in washing the windshields though) but to take their money in and pay for them as well!

We had one group standing out in the rain handing out bottled water to people as they entered one of the local gated communities...we had two groups on the Square - one handing out brownies - and one handing out fresh cut flowers to passersby.

We had a number of groups that visited some of the local nursing homes delivering cookies, singing for the residents and painting finger nails and toe nails for the ladies. One group even adapted to the bad weather and went and cleaned a senior citizen's home.

One of our groups served those who serve us by baking cookies and taking them to the local police station, the Sheriff's Department, the hospital, and the local fire departments!

We had one group that had a gigantic free garage sale that had been advertised and promoted in it's Healthy Kid's neighborhoods and through some of the local food pantries. There were tons of people who got items they desperately needed. One family came in that had had to sell just about everything they owned, including all of their furniture, in order to pay their bills after the husband had lost his job. They were able to get their entire house re-furnished through the free garage sale!!

Finally, after all the kindness projects were completed, a bunch of soaked and soggy saints gathered back at Acton Baptist Church for lunch with food donated by a number of local eating establishments. After a great lunch, we all gathered back in the Acton Baptist sanctuary for our closing celebration service. We were led in worship by the Acton Baptist Student Praise Band and if you were there, you know how great they were! Actually, this group had already played for several hours down at the town square under the Granbury Plaza pavilion, so they played their hearts out Saturday!

We heard testimonies from each and every congregation about their kindness project(s) and how they saw God work through their servant efforts. There were some awesome testimonies!
All in all, it was a fabulous day!! So many seeds of God's love were planted all around the community this weekend.

A special thank you to Jason Turbeville, Pastor Glen Ward and all the wonderful folks at Acton Baptist for being such incredible hosts this year! You guys did an awesome job and were so very gracious!

Thanks to all of you for making Kindness Explosion 2010 a wonderful success!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Welcome to the Love Granbury Blog

Welcome to the Love Granbury Blog page. We invite you to subscribe to the blog so that you can stay up to date with all that's going on with Love Granbury activities and service projects as we seek to Love Granbury into a relationship with Jesus Christ!